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Monday, February 22, 2010


Contoh cadangan menu

2 telur rebus 
1 tomato bersaiz sederhana
2 telur dadar
Sup telur bersama dada ayam dicarik-carik2 telur goreng dan salad sayur
Masak kicap daging lembu, sayur brokoli digoreng bersama udang basahRendang ayam, Sayur brokoli dancauliflowerStik daging bersama tomato segarIkan kukus bersama cendawan, tomato dan daun bawang
Lamb chop dengan sos pudinaAyam panggang, taufu + daging kisar, bayamIkan kukus bersama cendawan, tomato dan daun bawangIkan dan ketam bakar, brokoli dancauliflowergoreng
SD 2
SD 2
SD 2
SD 2

Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Follow A Targeted Keto Diet

Step 1 Before you can follow the targeted keto diet you have to understand ketones and ketosis. In order to do so, you have to let go of everything you know about how to fuel your body. We have been trained to think that the body must have glucose to burn, otherwise it feeds on muscle. The truth is the body is happy to burn glucose or what is known as ketones. Ketones are fats converted by the body into a form that can be used for fuel. The body does not make naturally make ketones, which is why it automatically turns to burning glucose. Keto diets force the body into ketosis, which is the process of forming and burning those ketones.

Step 2 Know what is different about targeting ketos. There are different ways to go about achieving ketosis by eliminating or strictly controlling carbohydrate consumption. The targeted keto diet allows daily carbohydrates consumption but requires them to be consumed at certain times. Protein and carbohydrates are to be taken right before and right after your workout. This gives the body the energy and strength to lift at more intense levels in addition to losing fat.

Step 3 Set up your diet. First, you need to determine your daily protein allowance. You get one gram of protein per pound of your weight; for example, if you weigh 180 pounds, you need 180 grams of protein.

Step 4 Diet setup continues with calculating your carb allowance--.33 grams per pound is a good guide (.33 x 180 = 59 grams of carbohydrates). You can adjust that a bit depending on your fitness goals. For instance, this 59 grams might be dropped to 50 for someone trying to lose some weight.

Step 5 Complete your diet set up by calculating the fat. Add the protein number to the carb number and subtract that from your usual calorie intake. Let's say your diet consists of 2,000 calories. 180 (protein) + 59 (carbs) = 239. 2,000 (total calorie intake) - 239 (protein and carb grams) = 1761. Divide that number by 9 to determine your required fat intake (195).

Step 6 Put it in action. There are no real menus to follow, so it is up to you to take the theory behind the target keto diet to work for you by putting together the proper combination of food and shakes to meet your diet requirements. Since the targeted keto diet is all about burning fat for energy you need to consume lots of fat for those intense workouts. It will take a change in thinking. Your allowed food list will consist of things like bacon, burgers, chicken, eggs, steak, olives, ham and cheese.

Keto Diet : The Facts

Ketogenic refers to the production of ketones, a compound hat forms in the body when fat is burned for energy. It's later excreted through the urine. The diet helps reduce the number of seizures in some people, but it is still unclear as to why this effect occurs.

Types of Foods Food is broken down into three categories on the Ketogenic Diet: restricted, unrestricted and fatty foods.

  • Unrestricted Foods Examples of unrestricted foods include vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, spinach), artificial sweeteners and unsweetened fruit.
  • Restricted Foods Foods that are restricted on the Ketogenic Diet are sugary snack foods like candy and other items that contain sugar.
  • Fatty Foods Fatty foods are encouraged in this diet. Examples include bacon, hot dogs, potato chips, nuts, cream, eggs, mayonnaise and butter.